Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

!9# Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

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2-Phase Expression

A feature of some breast pumps by Medela (Symphony, Pump In Style Advanced, not original, and swing) that cycling is started faster with less suction then after two minutes slower cycling with more vacuum strength to imitate the pattern of suckling infants. A particular let-down can be pressed once to go straight to the second mode. The Harmony breast pump is also said to have two phases. The first phase is initiated by pressing theshort part of the handle to squeeze in with the longer distances, the more powerful of the second phase of turning the hand around the long end of the handle.


The circular dark area around the nipple. It 'important during breast-feeding for the baby to latch on with more areola in the mouth as possible.

Baby Scale

For mothers with insufficient milk production, it was a baby scale is a tool to control the weight gain of the child and also recorded the amount of breast milkin every nursing home. By weighing the child before and after breastfeeding, and thus determine some 'of abduction, one of the possible number of ounces, the breastfed baby. Because a child is usually more efficient than any pump, this pump method to determine the amount of milk that the child is always preferred. For these purposes, a child-scale accurate to 15 grams or less can be rented from many breast pump rental stations.

Wireless Batteries

In aType of breast pump, battery cordless comfort, but the force of vacuum and cycles per minute can be less than the user, see if the power supply. Pumps can also exchange slowly as the batteries run down. Slower cycles may be some discomfort, because the vacuum can be kept longer in the breast. If this happens, reduce the gap and replace the batteries with new ones as soon as possible.

Breast Pump

A unit that expresses milk from the breast. A misconception is that theBreast pump sucks the milk from the breast. A breast pump is responsible for the milk ejection reflex or the response trigger disappointment. Most pumps achieve this by sucking the nipple into the tunnel of the shield or flange then release the breast, which counts as a cycle of moving. Thirty to sixty cycles per minute with a better quality electric breast pump to wait. It 'important to note that in most cases, the pump is not as efficient as the removal of milk from the breast of the newborn.Many mothers are losing their milk when the sessions are too many to replace real-pumping and child care.

Breast Pump Reviews

Reviews of actual users of the pump milk. Two good places to find some reviews of Amazon and Epinions on the Internet

Breast shields, flanges, hoppers

The part of the breast pump that actually touches the chest, the area of ​​the nipple and areola. Medela breast shields fit almost all of their pumps and are available in sizes from 21mm, 23 mm, 27 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm and 40 mm. Ameda uses various combinations of flanges and nipples adds size 21 mm, 23 mm, 25 mm, 28.5 mm, 30.5 mm of space to meet all their pumps, but the Nurture III. See also SoftFit, Flexishield and Let-Down Massage Cushion.

closed system

Breast pump designed for multiple users, such as the hospital grade rental pumps. There is no way to pump breast milk into the engine. Read this article about breast pump used for moreInformation: Avent Isis IQ http://www.babylovesyourmilk.com/used-breast-pumps-article.htm Although breast pumps are said to be a closed system, Avent still recommends their pumps for each user.


The substance produced in the chest during the last weeks of pregnancy. This "first milk" is highly concentrated in the ideal nutrition for newborns. It 'been likened to a "cocktail of antibodies." Colostrum has a laxative effect on the child, helping him to overcome his earlyChairs that prevent the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps the jaundice help. Frequent meals with 10 to 12 times a day, a mother begins to appear regularly in breast milk, or "enter" 3 or 4 days after birth.


The models suck and release created by a pump, to simulate what a child.


Cycles per minute. See Cycling.

Double pump

Pumping both breasts simultaneously. Research with premature infants has shown double-Pumps can increase the supply of breast milk, reduce the expression of the time (yes, reducing the time in half), and produce more prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production after birth.


, Every time you removed a sufficient quantity of milk from the breast during breast feeding is painful for the disease. The milk jam, that if a mother's first milk "comes in" is a little 'less understandable, because swelling of the breast tissue itself, you canFactor. There are many treatments, the use of which has a pump briefly to soften the areola area, so the baby can latch on easier.

Covered hopper

The lid covering, as in the hopper or Avent breast pump breast shield of a child's play. The advantage is a cover to keep clean the inside of the hopper and tank milk and ready to use condition.

Flexishield Areola Massager

A shell of equipment to be purchased separatelyAmeda breast pump and used. The Flexi Shield was developed to compress the areola area, helping to stimulate the milk ejection reflex. It 'is particularly useful for small-breasted women who may benefit from the extra stimulation.

Hospital-grade breast pump

This group of pumps have a force stronger than any vacuum pumps, milk and others that are better suited to establish and maintain a supply of milk in a mother who is breastfeeding her baby for a long time, as inSituation of a premature baby or sick.


With any Ameda breast pump, with the exception of the Nurture III, a milk collection system that includes a special silicone-membrane filter. This filter is available in two ways to protect the pump motor in front of the impurities in it and the protection of the bottle of breast milk receive pollutants from the engine. This additional amount of protection to premature babies or sick, or any parent who want special attention is required in cleaningthe gathering of her milk. It does not negate the use of recommendation that all their Hygienikit Ameda pumps (except the hospital rental pumps), single user, even if the individual user Hygienikit kit is for the rental of the pump.


A highly skilled health personnel with advanced training in breastfeeding management. Due to the nature of their training, their advice on breast-feeding can be more specific and useful than a motherchildren receive from their gynecologist or pediatrician.

Breastfeeding Help

A device that is inflated by a tank usually infant formula or breast, and a long but narrow diameter pipe. The tube is introduced into the mouth of a child with the breast during breast-feeding and provides additional power for the child at the same time receiving a stimulation to promote breastfeeding. This also prevents a child from attaching to the artificial nipple and allow a motherTime commitment to provide strategies to shore up a remnant of the milk. If the advice in the context of a lactation consultant or advertising material used, could provide the milk.


The response of milk ejection reflex is known, occurs when the hormones pushing the chest muscles, causing the channel to expand, pushing the milk from all parts of the breast towards the nipple. Some mothers feel a tingling, others feel nothing. Let-down is partly a conditioned response and canencourages breastfeeding or expressing drawing routine (ie sitting in the same place, some drinking from a cup), look at a picture of the child, thinking of the milk flowing, or the thought of all of them.

Let-Down Massage Cushion

The Avent breast pump shields and flanges are made of soft silicone and have 5 petals in the shape of tables, which move in and out of the areola and help disappointment massage. Available in one size.

Milk collection bags

Marketedwith different trade names, these plastic bags for collection and storage of breast milk are determined. They look like ships, disposable bottles, but the clear difference to be thicker and stronger. For this reason, the bags are more for milk collection and freezing breast milk for the use of breast pumps, which allow you to bag suitable attachment instead of bottles. Secure Disposable bottle liners for a breast pump is not sufficient to allow a vacuum pump to createworking properly.


Abbreviation for millimeters of mercury and how it relates to breast pumps is the force of the vacuum or suction. Sufficient pressure is needed to stimulate the let-down, not to suck the milk from the breast as sometimes erroneously believed. Hospital-grade breast pumps have the highest number of Hg and are the best to establish a milk production in mothers who need help in this area because of power problems in low-or a hospital newborn. After a refuelingestablished some users have found that "less is more" and the adjustment of the suction has been turned down better let-down. Fortunately, the electric pumps are more adjustable vacuum levels.

open system

A breast pump is designed to be used by a user. See also closed system, multiple users.

To assemble the parts

As for the comparison sites Web pump as http://www.babylovesyourmilk.com/best-personal-electric-breast-pumps.htm, all parts of the breast pump, which definesmust be assembled and disassembled without any pumping power of the engine, or battery power, the milk container, cover, stand, extra breast shields or inserts, dead.

To wash the

According to the definition above web pages, all parts of the breast pump that come into contact with the breast or milk, and then every time the pump user can be washed without registration (s) for milk and cover (s).

Milk ejection reflex response (MER)


for multiple users

Hospital grade rental pumps are designed for multiple users, and car rental agencies will not be reimbursed and not withdrawn a single kit of accessories to purchase for parts (shields, connectors, tubing), which is actually in contact with the breast milk of mother or require.

Manual Breast Pump Piston

The pumping action is achieved with a piston and cylinder flows and requires the use of two hands.

Pumps hire

See moreUser

Single pump

Pumping only one breast at a time. Single pump useful for pumping one side while baby nurses the other. For some mothers the option of single pump allows them to calm down and keep her baby on the one hand, while pumping the other side.

Single User

Most breast pumps are intended for personal use, from a mother to be used only to prevent the transmission of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Also closed lake system, multiple users


The soft, flexible breast shield that massages the breast and areola, if breast pump, Medela and product brands. Works with all Medela pumps, but used the small manual pump hearts.


Assigned to pump milk from actual users of Amazon and Epinions on a scale of five stars with five meaning the best. The reading of these judgments can be useful because they often explain specific difficulties with certain breast pump.

Trigger Type manuallyBreast Pump

The pumping action is created with a tight grip similar to that found in a spray bottle. One hand pump.


Avent is robust system of disposable containers for the collection and storage of breast milk. It can be with all Avent breast pump and some other brands also used. The disposable cup bases can be sterilized for up to three times and are also suitable for freezing. Bottle nipples are a variety of flows, adaptationSystem.


The warranty for breast pumps should be taken and saved receipts. Pumps, can get to wear the frequent use before maturity guarantees.

Disclaimer: None of these contents should be construed as medical advice and nursing mothers should strive to educate yourself as much as possible from different sources and consultation with doctors and nursing specialists, if necessary.

Note: This article may be copied "as is" for so longthis notice, and links to the websites of "Baby Loves Milk" website remain. Ask permission from webmaster@babylovesyourmilk.com before making any changes or additions.

Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump Review

!9# Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump Review

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Although it is a hand pump and electric pump has been my favorite so far within. I use it when I am by the baby for a night or while traveling out of town by the child, where I need to relieve the pressure and keep my milk supply, until my return. This pump costs about $ 25 and is useful for those who need a pump is only part of the time and not on a consistent basis.

I like the portable pump. There are three partsThis must be completed for each application. And 'the base (with the shield the breast), the handle and the bottle. The handle on the ground and shot up the screws on the bottom of the bottle full of milk. The shield of the breast is a soft, flexible plastic that fits over the breast. These can be removed and stored in a small travel bag that is easy for storage or travel.

The Medela pump is very easy to use and very effective, too. I find that I can do more with this milkas trademarks electricity. The handle has two methods for the extraction of milk, a so-called 2-Phase Expression. One is sucking natural that a baby does not latch on when the one who is quick to imitate. Traits other than sucking imitate the natural rhythm of the baby drinks the milk. The two of them are able to effectively extract the milk.

Medela breast pumps sold the other hand, that a long suspension, which uses fixed to the base, rather than the handle of the Harmony One. Beaware that this is not the same hand pump that actually works and it is terrible and not worth your money. The Harmony One is what I always recommend to other nursing mothers who have tried different pumps and can not seem to take a break. Do you agree this is easy to use and works.

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump Review

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Medela Hugs Helping You Start Set

!9# Medela Hugs Helping You Start Set

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  • Helping you get started breastfeeding & pumping. Harmony TMis the only manual breastpump with 2-Phase Expression ® technology for more milk in less time. Complete collection of accessories for the first few weeks of breastfeeding. Information and support to help you every step of the way. Valuable coupon inside good toward future purchase of a Medela double electric pump.

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